Пространства памяти могут использоваться для Hyper-V VMs?

Вот содержание моего /etc/conf.d/php-cgi файл (это - измененная копия исходной икры-fcgi conf.d файл):

# The FCGI process can be made available through a filesystem socket or
# through a inet socket. One and only one of the two types must be choosen.
# Default is the inet socket.

# The filename specified by
# FCGI_SOCKET will be suffixed with a number for each child process, for
# example, fcgi.socket-1. 
# Leave empty to use an IP socket (default). See below. Enabling this, 
# disables the IP socket.

# When using FCGI_PORT, connections will only be accepted from the following
# address. The default is Use to bind to all addresses.

# The port specified by FCGI_PORT is the port used
# by the first child process. If this is set to 1234 then subsequent child
# processes will use 1235, 1236, etc.

# The path to your FastCGI application. These sometimes carry the .fcgi
# extension but not always. For PHP, you should usually point this to
# /usr/bin/php-cgi.

# The number of child processes to spawn. The default is 1.

# If you want to run your application inside a chroot then specify the
# directory here. Leave this blank otherwise.

# If you want to run your application from a specific directiory specify
# it here. Leave this blank otherwise.

# The user and group to run your application as. If you do not specify these,
# the application will be run as root:root.

# Additional options you might want to pass to spawn-fcgi

# If your application requires additional environment variables, you may
# specify them here. See PHP example below.

# PHP ONLY :: These two options are specific to PHP. The first is the number
# of child processes to spawn. The second is the number of requests to be
# served by a single PHP process before it is restarted.
# For this to work you would set

Затем для создания init.d файла просто сделайте символьную ссылку на исходную икру-fcgi init.d файлом с названием conf.d файла (php-cgi в моем случае):

% sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/spawn-fcgi /etc/init.d/php-cgi

Затем можно запустить его с:

% /etc/init.d/php-cgi start

и добавьте его к уровню начальной загрузки по умолчанию

% rc-update add php-cgi default

Единственная степень свободы, которую Вы имеете, путем тонкой настройки этих двух значений:


Больше детей может обработать больше запросов одновременно, но это использует больше памяти.
В зависимости от Вашей аппаратной конфигурации адаптируйте эти две настройки.

задан 13 July 2012 в 17:57
2 ответа

Yes, you could mount it into a VM as a pass-through disk. But what would that get you? You'd have a VM that's not portable, not able to migrate, not able to snapshot, not able to back up.

You'd be much better off putting a VHDX file on that space and mounting that in the VM. And, though this might not be your response, most people I've had this conversation with immediately countered, saying that they didn't want the performance overhead of the VHD. I challenge you to measure it. See if you can find any meaningful difference between pass-through disks and VHDX files.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 11:54

I'm quite sure the answer would be that if you used the storage pool as an iscsi target then yes otherwise no.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 11:54


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