Установка сертификата в IIS 7

Для обнаружения выпуска SSRS перейдите в:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Log на сервере, который имеет SSRS

Откройте файл Summary.txt. Ищите файл журнала для продукта: Reporting Services Microsoft SQL Server 2005 года.

В файле журнала SSRS ищите ключевое слово "выпуск"

задан 13 July 2012 в 13:09
2 ответа

When you make a certificate request you generate a secret part and keep it yourself, this guarantees that the response from the certificate issuer can not be intercepted and used by anyone but yourself. When you complete your request the response is combined with the part you kept to make a complete certificate with private key which is then put into one of your certificate stores. The response file can then be discarded as it can not be used directly.

To use the certificate look in your certificate stores and select it and/or export with the private key to use on other webservers.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 16:14

There is a weird bug in IIS 7/7.5 where certificates disappear from the console right after import. Close the console, log off, log back on and open the IIS certificate console again. You should now see it listed (hopefully)

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 16:14


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