PCIe x8 NIC в слоте PCIe x16

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задан 3 August 2012 в 03:03
3 ответа

What should be: The PCIe spec states that all slots start at 1x/v1.0 and negotiate how many lanes they can use and what clock speed. It shouldn't matter which supports more lanes/clock, some slots are designed to take larger cards and smaller cards fit in larger slots. Whatever the highest spec both sides can communicate at (both the number of lanes and the clock/version), that is the speed that will be negotiated and used. Endpoints can support 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, and 32x, though there are no slots specifically for 2x and 32x. Speed is specified by major version number (2.5, 5.0, 8, 16 GT/s).

What really is: Usually what should happen is what actually happens. But there are quite a few boards (especially enthusiast boards) that do not follow spec. Some motherboards will not use anything but a 16x video card in their first PCIe slot. Others will not auto-negotiate correctly (commonly falling back to less lanes - this seems particularly common with 2x cards that negotiate to 1x speed). In server grade hardware these problems are very rare, but it happens. If both the system/motherboard are from the same manufacturer as the card, you should be able to contact their support and find out if it's a supported configuration (if they don't know or can't answer it's a huge redflag and you should consider not buying from them/returning). Also, try searching your particular motherboard and see if anyone has reported a problem.

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 20:47

Yes, you can plug in in and it will work fine.

Long version:
Three things are important for PCIe connection:

  1. PCIe version (v1, v2 or v3. Lowest common version is used)
  2. Number of lanes on the card you plug into a connector (e.g. x1, x4, x8 or x16)
  3. Number of lanes supplied to the connector (e.g. x1, x4, x8 or x16)

Any combination of card and slot/connector_on_MB is possible.

Even longer version:

A x1 card will work fine in a x1 slot.
A x1 card will also work fine in a x4 slot. But it will be limited to x1 speeds.
A x1 card will also work fine in a x8 slot. But it will be limited to x1 speeds.
A x1 card will also work fine in a x16 slot. But it will be limited to x1 speeds.

A x4 card will work in an x1 slot, but will be limited to x1 speeds.
A x4 card will also work fine in a x4 slot.
A x4 card will also work fine in a x8 slot. But it will be limited to x4 speeds.
A x4 card will also work fine in a x16 slot. But it will be limited to x4 speeds.

A x8 card will work in an x1 slot, but will be limited to x1 speeds.
A x8 card will also work fine in a x4 slot. It will be limited to x4 speeds.
A x8 card will also work fine in a x8 slot.
A x8 card will also work fine in a x16 slot. But it will be limited to x8 speeds.

A x16 card will work in an x1 slot, but will be limited to x1 speeds.
Карта x16 будет работать в слоте x4, но будет ограничена скоростью x4.
Карта x16 будет работать в слоте x8, но будет ограничена скоростью x8.
Карта x16 будет работать в слоте x16.

На материнских платах имеется несколько типов разъемов / слотов PCIe.
Наиболее распространены слоты, позволяющие до 16 полос. Однако один и тот же физический разъем можно использовать для x1, x4, x8 и x16. Во многих материнских платах серверного класса вы найдете слоты, которые физически допускают карты x16, но только с 8 подключенными линиями.

Возможно и обратное. Если вы возьмете разъем x1 и воспользуетесь пилой, чтобы открыть конец слота, вы можете физически подключить карту большего размера, и она должна работать. Я знаю по крайней мере одну компанию, которая делает это, чтобы вставить карты PCIe x16 в слоты PCIe x1. (Они используют слоты PCIe x16 для других карт).

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 20:47

Я видел несколько сообщений в Интернете об установке графической карты PCIe x8 на материнскую плату сервера.

У меня есть сервер IBM X3200 M3 (Xeon 3430 Quad Core). Хотя на сервере есть встроенная графика, я смог успешно установить графическую карту PCIe x8.


Это занимает некоторое время (30-60 секунд)для IBM IMM, чтобы появиться, но работает как шарм.

Надеюсь, это поможет тем, кто хотел бы превратить свой сервер в своего рода рабочую станцию.

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 20:47


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