dhcpd несколько серверов доменных имен

Я делаю это в sendmail путем конфигурирования нескольких доменов, которые будут обработаны реле.



и добавьте домены, которые Вы хотите обработать. Например:

# local-host-names - include all aliases for your machine here.

После внесения Ваших изменений и предположения DNS установка правильно, перезапуск sendmail.

Примечание: это означает, что user@domain эквивалентен user@otherdomain, потому что /etc/passwd и /etc/aliases поражен для обоих для пользовательской проверки.

задан 8 August 2012 в 03:09
2 ответа

The spec for option type 6 has variable length and can support more than two entries. The length field is 8 bits and represents the number of bytes. 256 / 4 = 64 IP's. Clearly this is well beyond the number that the client must recognize, but specifying 3 entries is likely supported by many clients. It certainly won't hurt anything. orst-case the client will ignore the third.

Whether it makes sense or not is a function of your own infrastructure and availability. A WAN site might have two redundant servers on site and a third remote, for example. There are a number of mechanisms to improve availability of DNS infrastructure, many of which don't require additional IP's to be configured on the client side (i.e. anycast, load balancers).

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 01:32

you can put in as many as you want. 2 is common, 3 is not unreasonable and also somewhat common. 4+ would be edging in to overkill.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 01:32


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