Tomcat - Как проверить использующиеся в настоящее время настройки памяти

Да, sendmail может использоваться в качестве сервера SMTP. Наиболее часто используемые альтернативы являются Постфиксом, Exim и qmail, хотя я лично не рекомендовал бы qmail для новой системы.

Для новичка Постфикс должен просто быть прекрасным.

задан 25 July 2012 в 19:36
2 ответа

Alright, I found the information I was looking for so I'm going to accept my answer because I'm giving more details, but +1 to David Levesque for the leads.

I found out that the memory settings I was trying to set were not being used. In order to change the memory settings I used the tomcat7w in the \bin folder.

Run the following command:

tomcat7w //ES//<ServiceName>

Then the following should pop up:

Java Service Manager

Click the Java tab that is underlined and add the arguments in the highlighted areas.

In order to check this, I used the jinfo executable (in the \bin folder). Jinfo prints Java configuration information for a given Java process. Run this command using the following syntax:

jinfo -flags PID-of-Tomcat-executable

The following little script saved me some time from having to find out Tomcat's PID every time, so I figured I may as well post it here:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%i in ('=tasklist ^| findstr "tomcat"') do (
    echo Tomcat Executable = %%i
    echo Tomcat Process ID = %%j
    set tomcat_pid=%%j
echo %tomcat_pid%
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\jinfo -flags %tomcat_pid%
ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 00:13

You can use the jinfo utility that comes with the JDK to query the VM flags and system properties at runtime.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 00:13


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