Произвольное управление конфигурированием ПО с Марионеткой?

Это похоже на разумную рецензию при использовании PHP с nginx. Как @Ron сказал, необходимо запустить процессы PHP FCGI и затем сказать nginx использовать их.


задан 20 July 2012 в 19:51
1 ответ

Yes, absolutely. This won't necessarily need to involve custom facts or the fact inventory in any way, though it can if you want it to.

If you're interested in setting the exceptions up in the node declaration (centrally on the master), then take a look at parameterized classes. This will allow you to define settings for the class as you include it into the node.

Alternatively, if you set up custom facts on the nodes, you can simply utilize those facts in your class definitions to make any changes needed.

Let me know if that makes sense, or if you need more specific examples - the places where the customization is available may be different from your current customization workflow, so make sure it'll work the way you need it to before you dive in to implementation.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 12:43


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