Установка экземпляра Sql - SQL-сервер 2008 R2

задан 30 July 2012 в 23:56
1 ответ

During setup, you should have seen this screen:

SQL Instance Configuration

Assuming you left everything with their default settings, you'll have a default instance known as MSSQLSERVER. One way of checking the instance name is by looking in your services console (services.msc). There will be a service called 'SQL Server ()'

If your instance has been installed as the default, you can connect to it via SQL Server Management Studio running on the machine itself by using '.' (a period, by itself), localhost or your machine name as the server name.

If it's a named instance, you can connect to it by using .\INSTANCENAME, localhost\INSTANCENAME or HostName\INSTANCENAME.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 09:52


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