Как обработать DNS в брандмауэре

Хм... Я соглашаюсь, лучший подход должен использовать драйверы Samsung и получить тех, которые работают. Но (как я сказал в Вашем другом потоке), обычно установка "Send TrueType as Bitmaps", как Включено будет устранять проблемы шрифта с HP Universal Print Driver

задан 30 July 2012 в 15:42
1 ответ

I would consider three options:

  • Use port 443 for access to internal services. Forward this to nginx from the firewall and have nginx do appropriate authentication before forwarding. (This would be my preferred option, as I would require authentication for remote access.)
  • Have the current server for port 80 forward request to nginx. apache/apache2 has the appropriate proxy capabilities. Many other web server have similar capablities.
  • Have nginx forward web traffic to the existing server. You already have it forwarding. This would just be one more forwarding rule (perhaps the default rule.)

To support this you may want additional DNS aliases for the external IP address.

ответ дан 23 November 2019 в 10:36


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