Лучшее расположение для перенаправленных папок на Windows Server

2 ответа

Похоже, что для перенаправленных папок пользователи домена должны иметь доступ для создания каталогов, чтобы папки создавались автоматически с начальным журналом на. Это то, что Microsoft говорит здесь .

Я предполагаю, что папки не созданы с учетной записью SYSTEM , как каталог перемещаемого профиля пользователя.

Может быть, они могут изменить это в будущем.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 21:44

At the moment I have it in a completely different share but the problem is that the ntfs permissions on the folder mean that any user can browse to the root of it and create folders

Change the NTFS permissions? Here's a shot of the what we allow regular users in the root of the redirected Users folder that all their profiles live in. We just use a folder off the root of a secondary [data] volume called Users.


Note that by applying the permissions to this folder only (and then, obviously, giving users permissions to their profile folder, but not other peoples'), they have the access they need to traverse the share and get into their profile folder but don't even have access to see the other other users' folders if they get cute and go up a directory from their profile.

This tutorial recommends putting the redirected folders in the same location as where the roaming profile is stored on the server

That's an option too, though I don't use roaming profiles, (such a good idea with such awful implementation, nothing but headaches) so I couldn't say what issues that specifically might cause, however, it is a fairly common choice.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 21:44


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