Каково различие между опциями “Network install” и “Network Boot” в virt-менеджере при установке новой виртуальной машины

Легкий! Покупка (или использование свободное) создание образа диска / клонирующийся инструмент.

  • Установите то программное обеспечение на другой машине
  • Закройте свой сервер и удалите жесткий диск
  • Завершите работу другой машины и вставьте оба жестких диска (диск сервера и SSD)
  • Клон
  • Завершите работу другой машины и поместите твердотельный диск в сервер

задан 7 September 2012 в 17:12
1 ответ

Virt-manager (and virt-install) is just a front end for running QEMU (qemu-kvm in this case). When called with a PXE install, it works just like a physical server doing a PXE boot. That is, it runs QEMU as a virtual machine with a network-capable BIOS, with a built in IP stack. Now when run as a Network install (non-PXE), virt-install first fetches a kernel image and initial ramdisk image (that is, it hapens outside of the VM). It then calls qemu-kvm with the "-kernel" and "-initrd" parameters, pointing to the location in the parent host's file system where it downloaded those images. When qemu-kvm starts, it pokes the contents of those two files into the same memory locations that Grub, Lilo, or Syslinux would normally put them, and tells the virtualized BIOS (in the VM) to start executing at those memory locations.

You can see how qemu-kvm is called by doing a "ps -ef" listing while running an install, and you can use that same command line outside of virt-manager if you wish.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 14:24


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