Сертификаты SSL прикреплены к IP в регионе?

BGP. В основном Вы используете протокол BGP для объявления о маршруте для сети IP. Обычный маршрут переходит к центру обработки данных A. Если центр обработки данных сбои, BGP объявляет о новом маршруте, который приводит к центру обработки данных B.

Так как это - оперативная маршрутная информация, это почти прозрачно, В отличие от DNS, который требует распространения записей, истечений TTL и так далее...

Это делает, однако, требует, чтобы Вы управляли своим объединением IP-адресов с помощью собственных маршрутизаторов BGP. Необходимо обсудить это с ISP.

задан 11 September 2012 в 03:12
3 ответа

SSL certificates are not based on region, neither are they linked to specific IPs. You can use them wherever you want.

However, you could be facing a third party that will ask you to buy in your currency (i.e: check their conversion rate between euro and $USD. It's... interesting).

Your CSR/CRT will have to declare your country, through the "SUBJECT: C=" part of the certificate, but this could be setted to whatever you want - and want your customer to see. For more info see X.509 specs on wikipedia.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 16:27

As far as I've ever known, SSL certificates are not restricted to use on specific IP addresses or blocks of addresses. Most likely Comodo is asking for your region for some billing purpose (e.g. if you live in Europe they may have to do some EU-specific billing). In fact, I can see that by changing the region, they change the currency in which your price is quoted (e.g. dollars for the US, pounds for the UK, euros for the EU, etc.).

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 16:27

The information that they require its only for determinate where the buyer is and all, its only security porpouses... Ive got a couple of them and in each they ask you where you are from, actually at a SSL certificate you need to indicate the country by the letters of identity (USA, MEX, etc..).

The SSL certificate will work for anyone who enter at your side from any part of the world (unless you restrict the access to your web and all..)

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 16:27


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