Импорт XML в экземпляр AWS RDS

Вот довольно хорошая статья о лицензировании SQL и ЦП по сравнению с CAL включая разъяснение VM.

задан 24 August 2012 в 06:13
1 ответ

There are two things here. One is server-side, the other is client-side.

On the server (AWS RDS), check your parameter group to ensure local_infile is set to 1. By default it is enabled in RDSland for 5.1 and 5.5.

Second, assuming you are using the mysql commandline, start it with the local-infile option:

mysql --local-infile -hhostname -uusername -p databasename

You can also set local-infile in your my.cnf, though it is tied to the machine in that case; YMMV, IANAL, FSCK, etc.

Note this 5.1 documentation says "By default, all MySQL clients and libraries in binary distributions are compiled with the --enable-local-infile option, to be compatible with MySQL 3.23.48 and before." That doesn't appear to be the case with recent distros, at least:

$ mysql --help | grep ^local-infile  # Ubuntu 12.04
local-infile                      FALSE
$ mysql --help | grep ^local-infile  # Ubuntu 12.04, fairly stock AWS AMI
local-infile                      FALSE
$ mysql --help | grep ^local-infile  # OSX 10.8
local-infile                      FALSE
ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 21:40


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