Почта/объекты календаря Outlook дает ошибки после миграции сервера

Возможно, suexec (переключают пользовательское должностное лицо), то, что Вы ищете.

документ человечности http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/suexec.8.html

апачский документ http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/suexec.html

задан 6 September 2012 в 12:08
1 ответ

No, you're wrong.

  1. Intra-organization Outlook auto-complete entries actually reference the mailbox by GUID, rather than the email address. New mail server, new mailbox GUIDs. The old entries refer to GUIDs that don't exist anymore, hence the bounce.
  2. For the reasons similar to the reason above, Send-As and existing calendaring entries often "break" with a mail migration. Depending on the details of your setup and migration, this may be fixable or worked-around, or it may not be. Either way, this type of issue is definitely "normal" with a mail migration.
ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 16:04


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