Используя mod_wsgi с mpm_itk: проблема разрешения сокета

Это зависит. С чем связывается порт SQL Server? В большинстве случаев это будет портом 1433.

задан 5 October 2012 в 11:11
1 ответ

You need mod_wsgi 3.3 or later, and the mod_wsgi source must be compiled against a full Apache with developer header files corresponding to the ITK MPM. You cannot use a binary of mod_wsgi compiled against worker or prefork MPM as the ITK support you need is a compile time thing.

Unfortunately the Linux distros who provide ITK MPM variant of Apache as an option, don't seem to provide httpd-dev or apache2-dev package variants corresponding to that same ITK MPM. As a result, people usually end up having to build up their own Apache from source code with ITK MPM and proper header files with ITK version of mpm.h to get it to work.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 21:42


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