проксируйте передачу для activeMQ

Там какие-либо антивирусные программы работают? Я знаю с нашим из-за новых настроек, которые мы применили через McAfee, я должен отключить ее для движения в Интернет в первый раз, затем после того как связь установлена, я могу повторно включить ее, и все хорошо. Просто мысль.

задан 16 October 2012 в 23:57
1 ответ

mod_proxy doesn't re-write links in the destination page, so while you can view the initial page, a common problem is that links to sub-pages contain a hostname or URL that doesn't point back to the proxy frontend that you have access to. This should be easy to spot in the html source or by just hovering on the links.

If that's going on, it might be possible to configure AMQ to use the hostname of the proxy host rather than its own.

Proxypass URL's are recursive but again, only when the link is correct. If you remap /message to /admin/send and there's a link under there going to /admin/send/foo - it's not going to get redirected to /message/foo. You could probably add some mod_rewrite foo to get that to happen, but I do not believe it's part of mod_proxy.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 07:07


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