Проблема входа в SQL Server 2008 с использованием пользователей Active Directory [закрыто]

Сэр, я установил sql server 2008 в одном домене, я могу войти на сервер sql в обоих режимах входа. Можно ли войти на сервер sql из другого домена?

задан 21 October 2012 в 16:05
1 ответ

Sure, if you have a trust relationship between your domains that will allow users from the other domain to authenticate to resources in the domain that holds the SQL server. The domain with the SQL server would need to have at least a one-way outgoing trust to the other domain. You would also still need to add the relevant Active Directory users from the other domain into the SQL server Security, to allow authentication.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 00:55


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