iptables управляет для ботнета (лавинная рассылка UDP) защитой

Я не знаю, работает ли это все еще с Сервером 2008, но я всегда любил pwdump. Просто знайте, что каждая антивирусная программа, которую я когда-либо пробовал, будет жаловаться на это.

задан 11 November 2012 в 17:46
2 ответа

The only iptable rules that would help you even remotely would be dropping all traffic coming in on those ports. The problem with that is that your service will go down as well. The only thing you can do is talk to your ISP and ask them to drop all incoming udp traffic before it reaches you.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 21:35

If you have a separate (or separated) means of game users to login with (not by UDP), you can leave all UDP ports denied, and set up a means to dynamically allow the source addresses of logged in users. As Lucas Kauffman said, your would need to do this upstream to avoid your link from being saturated. It would be even more complex to arrange for the upstream to let you do dynamic allows on the logged in source hosts. You'd probably need to run your own router (that can handle 500mbps of attack) that you can engage dynamic filtering on.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 21:35


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