У Вас могут быть несколько перезаписываемый, авторитетный BIND серверы DNS для той же зоны, как интегрированный AD DNS?

SSLProxyEngine on
SSLProxyCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/internal-ca.crt
SSLProxyVerify require
задан 25 January 2015 в 19:28
4 ответа

Нет. Стандартный протокол DNS не имеет механизма репликации с несколькими мастерами. AD DNS работает, не выполняя репликацию DNS вообще - что вы имеете в виду. С точки зрения функциональности репликация зависит от AD.

DNS в основном предполагает, что у вас есть мастер. А теперь серьезно - в типичных средах этого ПОЛНОСТЬЮ достаточно - только когда у вас есть тонны обновлений (например, в корпоративной сети), вы сталкиваетесь с возможными проблемами.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 02:27

AD-Integrated zones are stored in the AD database (the actual AD partition they are stored in will vary depending on the scope of replication selected for the zone). As such, each participating DC is authoritative for it's copy of the zone just as each DC is authoritative for it's copy of the other AD partitions. DNS zone replication is a function of AD replication. From the perspective of the DC, the DNS zone is simply another AD partition to be replicated along with the other AD partitions.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 02:27

Your problem description makes it sound as though what you really want is a multi-master setup (though you don't say why -- it might be possible to more usefully advise you if you tell us why you don't want to use a master/slave setup.)

However, just to clarify the use of terminology in your title question, you asked:

"Can you have multiple authoritative BIND DNS servers for the same zone, like AD-integrated DNS?"

The literal answer to that question is "yes." Slave servers are also authoritative servers for the zones they slave. It doesn't matter that they are not the origin point for new configuration information being added to the zone; the data that is served by slaves is considered authoritative and the AA (Authoritative Answer) flag is set on responses that come from slave servers.

So if your question is actually about authoritative data and you are not accidentally misusing the term to represent another concept, then the answer to your question is actually "yes" and configuration is trivial. I suspect, however, that that's not what you are looking for.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 02:27

как насчет размещения / etc / bind / в распределенной файловой системе GFS2 / DRBD с SOA, отражающим все NS в зоне, каждый BIND будет ведущим в своих собственных реплицированных локальных зонах

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 02:27


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