Преимущество Microsoft Cluster по Microsoft Network Load Balancer

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задан 13 April 2017 в 15:14
1 ответ

That's not how NLB works. The NLB port rule determines what port/ports are load balanced amongst the NLB hosts. Traffic not "bound" to a NLB port rule is not load balanced amongst the NLB hosts. NLB does not monitor the port/ports associated with a port rule and disable NLB cluster traffic to that host upon a close of that/those port/ports or the crash of an application providing services on that/those port/ports on a particular host. NLB uses a Layer 2 "heartbeat" to determine the availability of a host in the cluster. If a host fails the heartbeat mechanism then all of the other hosts will "converge" (or re-converge) removing the non-responding host from the cluster so that no cluster traffic (based on the port rule) is directed to the non-responding host. NLB is strictly a layer 3 (network layer) load balancing mechanism. It is not a layer 7 (application layer) load balancing mechanism.

It's perfectly normal to have a hung application on an NLB host (such as HTTP or RDP) defined in an NLB port rule still receiving NLB traffic even though the application isn't capable of accepting that traffic. This is because NLB isn't aware of anything above layer 3.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 21:38


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