Не может получить пост-ГРЭС и kerberos (gss) сотрудничество

schtasks.exe /change /TN pepe /ENABLE
задан 29 January 2013 в 16:07
1 ответ

The error suggests that you did not create a service principal for the Postgres server. This is the principal that is stored in they krb5.keytab file on the server itself.

How to do this can be found in PostgreSQL documentation, 20.3.3. GSSAPI Authentication method.

If you have created this principal properly, what likely could have happened is that your DNS reversal doesn't work correctly. If you run host on the IP address of the Postgres server, you are supposed to get postgresserver.hotdog.com back. If you don't, the Kerberos authentication won't work.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 04:12


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