Перемещенные почтовые ящики и пробел не увеличивают … иначе логическое пространство почтового ящика, не будучи освобожденным

Выполнение squid -k reconfigure заставит это перезагружать конфигурацию без перезапуска.

Можно использовать incron для контроля Вашего /etc/squid/users/exceeded перечислите для автоматического инициирования реконфигурировать команды каждый раз, когда тот файл записан в.

задан 12 February 2013 в 00:16
2 ответа

Exchange 2010 doesn't free up whitespace automatically. You either have to live with it, or create a new database and move all of the left-over accounts and delete the database.

EDIT: I forgot that if you don't mind dismounting your database and you have a bunch of free disk space available (equal to amount of whitespace) then you can do an offline defrag using eseutil /d. See http://exchangeserverpro.com/defrag-exchange-2010-mailbox-database

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 21:37

Three possibilities I can think of:

  1. You need this hotfix: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2621266 (doubtful, but maybe)

  2. Your retention period for deleted items or deleted mailboxes is getting in the way. You can try setting those to both to 1 day and then waiting until the next full backup to check again.

  3. You aren't purging the disconnected mailboxes after they've been moved (goes with #2 actually)...see here: http://www.howexchangeworks.com/2010/09/purge-disconnected-or-soft-deleted.html

Hope that helps.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 21:37


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