CentOS потерял Корневой Доступ

Можно установить SVN в SVNParentPath/usr/local/svn или любом пути, который Вы хотите, но необходимо сделать что-то.

Выполните этот шаг.

  run command 
                chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t  /usr/local/svn

Ps, - chcon является файлами перемаркировок команды.

- The httpd_sys_content_t type allows the httpd process to access that file.
задан 16 February 2013 в 12:36
2 ответа

If you messed up your limits such that they prevent you from logging in, you'll need to reboot the machine into maintenance mode. Depending on exactly what sort of problem you created, adding single to your boot options (in grub, hit "e" to edit the kernel line, add single to the end, hit esc to exit, then press "b" to boot) will often be enough to give you a shell. If you messed things up in a slightly different way, try adding init=/bin/bash to the end, instead. In either event, that should give you enough access to resolve the issue.

If none of that works or in the worst case, you can always fire up a LiveCD and mount the affected drive in order to undo the changes you made.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 12:39

Anyone (who knows the password...) can use su to switch to root (as opposed to sudo).

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 12:39


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