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Проверьте свой error_log файл на точную ошибку, он должен сказать Вам точно, где Apache попытался получить доступ для обслуживания данных. Если это не то, где Вы ожидаете это, проверьте свою конфигурацию mod_userdir.

задан 7 February 2013 в 00:20
1 ответ

Since I seem to not have the ability to reply to answers posted, I am going to reply this way. Sorry for the confusion.

Mark Henderson: Yes, I have done quite a bit of optimizing these queries. Unfortunately, there is only so much I am able to do to get them performing better. Some of it has to do with the code of the 3rd party medical records system... Some of it has to do with the lack of resources I am given for the server to handle both workloads adequately. The indexing is worth checking back on, though I have done that quite a bit, I will continue to investigate.

CMcKeown: I was reading more about mirroring recently. The caveat with that seems to be similar to log shipping. While a snapshot happens, the reporting database will be offline and the users will be disconnected. Mirroring, as I understand it, will also require an availability group, which could require changes to the medical records application that I may not be given the ability to implement.

darin strait: Yes, I have scripts in place that only defragment or rebuild indexes that are only a certain percent fragmented for each. This was necessary due to the amount of growth in the database. The indexes on tables that are updated frequently fragment quicker than the other indexes... So, it was necessary to handle those separately. We have had a few discussions over the lag time on the reporting data. At first up to 24 hours was fine, then we got some push back from the users, now many of the reports apparently need to have almost live data. I am trying to push for hourly or half hour windows at this point. Part of the problem is satisfying everyone, and if I'm not able to, then making the right people as happy as possible. I don't know why I have not considered using the log backups sent to DPM to populate the reporting database. Without really looking into it, the problems would seem to be the same with log shipping, in that the database would have to be offline while it is being restored. I also do not know if there is a good automated way for DPM to handle a task like that. It is worth investigating so I thank you for that idea.

darin strait: Thank you for the correction on the availability group and the Asynchronous Database Mirroring. However, from what I see the same issue applies with the snapshots as it does with the log shipping restores. The users will be disconnected while the snapshot is created. We are using enterprise edition, so this is an option. It may be a better option in the end, due to it not interfering with our current backup system. Thank you for the input, I will take it under serious consideration.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 15:38


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