Понизить небольшую юридическую фирму от DC до самбы или рабочей группы?

То, что я всегда делаю, должно сравнить массива путем начальной загрузки одного из хостов в Linux, отформатировать LUN с помощью ext2 и просто с помощью озона - это достаточно близко.

задан 13 March 2013 в 05:25
1 ответ

I would continue to use Active Directory in this scenario.

Can you elaborate on the pain-points of the current setup? What seems complex and what are the user-felt experiences with the setup?

I have 8-user Active Directory installations, and they benefit from the central auth/management and policies like folder redirection. There's no downside to this type of setup, as there's a deep pipeline of Windows engineers who can help establish the initial configuration properly.

I'd reach out to a consultant to help develop a migration path. This doesn't appear to be a complex situation.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 14:15


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