Новый Сервер Стандартный контроллер домена 2012 года не загрузится после перебоя в питании (ОСТАНОВКА: 0xc00002e2)

Необходимо экспортировать проект, не удалить .svn папки. См.: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/re10.html

Править: delete readonly = yes добавленный к записи доли в конфигурации самбы решает проблему удаления папок, которые содержат файлы только для чтения. Благодаря @Felix Dombek

задан 1 March 2014 в 23:26
2 ответа

Metadata cleanup on the failed domain controller. It's gone.

Seize the FSMO roles if necessary. Move them back to the old DC for now, if you had moved them to the failed DC.

Build a new VM (from scratch. Don't try to salvage the failed one.) Promote it to domain controller.

Gracefully transfer the FSMOs to the new DC if desired.

Install an uninterruptable power supply so that this doesn't happen again.

Set up backups so that this doesn't happen again.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 07:05

I would reinstall. Bad things happen - this was shitty timing for the pwoer outage. At the end, a reinstall is fast and makes sure you dont ahve any issues with that server.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 07:05


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