Свободный Perl для IIS

Какая файловая система является картой памяти?

Существует знать проблема с FAT и метками времени. См. rsync страницу справочника:

          When comparing two timestamps, rsync treats the timestamps as being equal if they  differ  by  no  more
          than  the  modify-window value.  This is normally 0 (for an exact match), but you may find it useful to
          set this to a larger value in some situations.  In particular, when transferring to or from an MS  Win‐
          dows  FAT  filesystem  (which represents times with a 2-second resolution), --modify-window=1 is useful
          (allowing times to differ by up to 1 second).
задан 23 May 2017 в 15:41
1 ответ

You can use pretty much any perl distribution you want.

Awstats is a CGI script - the configuration for a CGI handler for (e.g.) Strawberry perl is exactly the same as for ActivePerl - except that the path to the perl executable might be different.

There is an article on HowToGeek that goes through setting up a Perl CGI handler in IIS7 step by step, but the IIS documentation also covers this material.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 14:07


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