innobackupex - после восстановления - выход, не обновляя файл PID

Здесь альтернативно

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -n 5 -0 -I {} rm {}; sleep 10

параметры изменения

-n 5 # это - то, сколько файлов одновременно будет передано команде комнаты.


sleep 10 # это - то, сколько времени в секундах будет управлять сном, прежде чем следующий блок комнаты будет выполнен

задан 18 November 2013 в 15:19
1 ответ

First, mysql_upgrade: command not found. This is basic Linux/UNIX PATH behavior. If you run echo $PATH you'll see that neither '/opt/mysql/server-5.6/bin' nor '.' is listed. Unlike Windows, commands in the directory you are in are NOT executed by simply typing the name. You need to specify the full path or add the path to your PATH environment variable. You can test this by going into '/opt/mysql/server-5.6/bin' and running the following command:

PATH=$PATH:/opt/mysql/server-5.6/bin mysql_upgrade and ./mysql_upgrade.

For your actual MySQL problem, the logs clearly indicate that you are missing multiple tables in the mysql schema. Likely you're missing the entire mysql schema due to it not being backed up in the first place. I don't think mysql_upgrade is going to fix it for you in that case, you need to have the schema there for it to be 'upgraded'.

Look for a script named mysql_install_db and run that to create the initial tables and / or make sure you back up that schema as well.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 14:43


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