Кластер Hyper-V 2012 года только с одним DC

Я искал подобную вещь недавно и нашел это сообщение в блоге [1], который упоминает, что использовал хинду префикс, и отклоните префикс

[1] http://invalidmagic.wordpress.com/2011/01/21/running-the-nix-package-manager-in-a-prefix-as-the-home-directory/

задан 27 November 2013 в 22:11
4 ответа

If your only domain controller goes down, you will not be able to authenticate to the domain or access configuration data stored therein. Things such as the cluster service account will be unable to log on. Your domain controller is probably hosting DNS too, which you're also going to need to stay up if you want a happy cluster. The list goes on.

You always want at least two domain controllers in your domain if at all possible. And at least one of those DCs needs to be outside of your cluster.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 09:17

AFAIK, cluster bootstrapping in Windows Server 2012 allows an existing cluster to not only boot but to operate without a Domain Controller being available. An available DC is required to create a cluster but once it is created the cluster can boot, operate and be joined without a DC being available. Microsoft also removed the AD dependency from Cluster Shared Volumes so that your CSV can be mounted and accessed without an available DC.

In Windows Server 2012 Microsoft has removed or remediated many of the "chicken or the egg" dependencies related to the Cluster and CSV dependency on AD.

I can't speak to Windows Server prior to 2012 but in Windows Server 2012 the Cluster service runs as Local System.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 09:17

Would the Hyper-V Cluster works after a reboot, if the DC is missing?

How can it, given that the Cluster configuration data is stored on the DC. YOu would not be the first to run into a boot problem (though most people were "smarter" and put the DC's onto VM's in the cluster - same result on a reboot).

ALWAYS have at least 2 DC's.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 09:17

Полностью согласен с вышеизложенным, всегда есть как минимум 2 DC. При этом Microsoft представила некоторые новые возможности отказоустойчивой кластеризации Windows 2012, чтобы сделать ее менее надежной на контроллерах домена во время запуска служб кластера. Это позволит отказоустойчивому кластеру загрузиться в рабочее состояние без доступа к DC.

Это описано здесь:

http://blogs.technet.com/b/wincat/archive/2012/08/29/windows-server-2012-failover-cluster-enhanced-integration-with-active -directory-ad.aspx (Поиск по запросу "Загрузка кластера без AD")

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 09:17


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