Параметры клонирования для рабочих станций [закрыто]

До сих пор я не использовал клонирование как вариант для новых компьютеров, но теперь у меня возникла проблема, потому что мне нужно установить около 50 компьютеров с такими же настройками и установленными программами.

Как вы устраняете неполадки с именем компьютера после клонирования, изменения SID, другого оборудования и т. Д. Неважно, если это xp, vista, 7, 8 или linux ... Какие методы вы, ребята, используете для таких вещей, как это?

извините за плохой английский, если это

задан 9 December 2013 в 18:57
3 ответа

Windows Deployment Services. This will address all of your concerns regarding hostname, SID, etc.


(There are other options, such as Altiris Deployment Solution, and others, but WDS should get you started on a path.)

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 21:48

Nevermind if its xp, vista, 7, 8 or linux...

No, this DOES matter. If you're deploying linux, you're stuck with the abomination known as clonezilla, which has serious limitations.

See: http://mdtguy.wordpress.com/2013/06/13/clonezilla-is-a-joke-and-a-bad-one-at-that/

If you're deploying Win 7/8 you're in luck because you can use Microsoft's free tools to deploy, no need for a server, MDT lite touch can be hosted from any Windows 7 system. If WDS really is out of the question, then you would just use MDT to build the WinPE boot media for you.

computer name after cloning, SID changing, diferent hardware etc

Computer name can be dealt with using MDT lite touch, you would use a variable to assign names with serial numbers, location, or even formfactor.

If the reference image is built and sysprepped in a VM, its hardware agnostic,

If you organize drivers in MDT in make/model hirearchies you can use the driver group variables to point them at the right folders based on the %Make% %Model% Variables detected by WMI at boot in WinPE.

MDT lite touch will build the images for you, and then you can roll out those images with MDT again.

Use The Microsoft Deployment Toolkit. WDS is optional, as its really only needed for PXE boot and multicasting. If you're looking for a FREE solution, it's hard to beat Microsoft's Deployment Toolkit, which is series of consoles and scripts to manage and automate the Windows Assesment and Deployment Toolkit.

While Alteris is a decent product, many of the features of MDT make it a somewhat outdated product.

Key benefits of MDT lite touch:

  • Speed up deployments- MDT is fast, It can image a system in 10min flat.
  • Improve standardization - Reducing Image count allows you to standardize the environment you support.
  • Automate deployments - Tedious and monotonous tasks are easily automated with MDT
  • Reduce Costs - MDT is free, and since it saves you time, it saves you money.
  • Scalable deployments - Start small, and take it to the next level with a deployment database down the road. or WDS integration.

But more than just imaging, MDT does more...

It names workstations, installs software on the fly for you (reducing image count) joins to the domain for you, (and it's free). http://mdtguy.wordpress.com/what-is-mdt/

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 21:48

Want it cheap? What you're not paying on products/solutions is definitely gonna cost you more time. Here are some solutions I used in the past.

  • Sysprep + cloning
  • dd/CloneZilla/PING + newsid.exe
  • Automated USB drive deployment with WinPE, sysprep/WAIK and lots of testing + planning

Changing hardware will result in a different image usually. Changing already deployed software will result in a different image usually. Changing Windows version will result in a different image usually...

so much factors.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 21:48


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