Передача почтового ящика Exchange 2013 даже при том, что это отключено

Я не забрал свою сборку достаточно далеко. Преступник оказался старым GAHelper.dll, который я портировал из старой конфигурации. Это, кажется, не играет приятно с IIS7. Мы используем его на большинстве этих сайтов, таким образом, я добавил его, поскольку ISAPI фильтрует на верхнем уровне. Удаление его позволяет ошибкам отобразиться как ожидалось.

задан 14 February 2014 в 19:28
1 ответ

So i went further with this investigation. The thing here to check was: forwardingsmtpaddress which wasn't empty.

get-mailbox -Identity account | fl alias, forwardingaddress, forwardingsmtpaddress

Which seems to stay set even thou it was disabled via GUI. After I cleaned it up it started working correctly. Why would GUI unchecking and even powershell commands not work as they should when forwardingsmtpaddress is a bit over my head. It seems to be a bug in Exchange 2013 CU3 as far as I can tell.

Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.ForwardingAddress -ne $null} | Set-Mailbox -ForwardingAddress $null -ForwardingSmtpAddress $null -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $false 

This cleaned it up (although it only works when forwarding was enabled). I would be happy to know why this is why it is. I did some checking and it seems the field forwardingsmtpaddress doesn't get set when setting up contact forwarding so why was it set this time. Oh well. Hopefully someone will find it useful.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 10:05


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