Как использовать rsyslog для файлов журнала от клиента к серверу

Можно сделать следующее. Можно установить корень на основе запроса $host.

местоположение / {



задан 13 March 2014 в 09:01
1 ответ

One solution is to check the $programname (which gets populated with the value from $InputFileTag on the client for each file you monitor).

Client Configuration

On the client, create your file monitor(s), and make sure $InputFileTag starts with 'file-'. Here is an example with log files foo and bar:

######################### START /var/log/foo.log
$InputFileName /var/log/foo.log
$InputFileTag file-foo:
$InputFileStateFile stat-foo
$InputFileSeverity info
######################### END /var/log/foo.log

######################### START /var/log/bar.log
$InputFileName /var/log/bar.log
$InputFileTag file-bar:
$InputFileStateFile stat-bar
$InputFileSeverity info
######################### END /var/log/bar.log

Server Configuration

And then on the server, check that $programname starts with 'file-' (as should be the case for all of your file monitors, but not for any of the standard syslog messages). Here is an example:

$template FileTemplate,"/var/log/remote-%HOSTNAME%-%programname%.log"
if $programname startswith 'file-' then -?FileTemplate
& ~
  • This solution checks to see if the $programname starts with 'file-'
  • As long as you have control over how you label $InputFileTag (on the client) this solution works quite well
  • The template uses programname and hostname to keep file names unique on the server
  • The & ~ makes sure this syslog message doesn't get processed further down in the config
  • This solution provides ONE configuration on the server that doesn't need to be updated each time you add a new file monitor on the client.
ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 00:27


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