Проблемы с принтером GPO

Зеркала, для высокой доступности, не резервного копирования. NTBACKUP является самым легким ударом для маркера для изолированного сервера сингла WS03/Exch03.

задан 25 March 2014 в 20:16
2 ответа

On the GPO you need to check the box "Run in logged-in user's security context"

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 01:31

One one of the computers where the printers are not installed, run the following:

gpresult /h gpresult.html  

From the user's logon context.

This will show the user's group memberships, and the GPO's applied/denied. This will help you narrow down if it is an issue with group membership not being picked up, or if the GPO's aren't being processed, or if the computer does not even report on the GPO.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 01:31


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