Клиент/сервер FTP, переставший работать при переключении на режим PASV

Обновите ISP, сказал, что они недавно добавили область, где этот компьютер расположен к их сети IPv6. По совпадению начиная со дня они добавили, что область к их сети IPv6, никакое соединение FTP не было возможно.

ISP смог задержать это определенное соединение с IPv4 (для ограниченного количества времени) и... FTP работал снова.

Исходное описание проблемы

У меня есть проблема уровня TCP между клиентами FTP и FTP-серверами (я думаю, что это - про-FTP-сервер, но я не уверен).

После запроса режима PASV для передачи данных клиент получает ACK, но не получает 227 entering passive mode сообщение. Клиент ожидает в течение 30 секунд, прежде чем это отправит a TYPE A request который сервер пробует к ACK, но с несправедливостью число SEQ.

Число SEQ содержит размер Enter passive mode сообщение. Сервер также отправляет a 200 Switching to ASCII mode который также имеет несправедливость число SEQ.

Оттуда это - 7 попыток Повторной передачи TCP и TCP DUP ACK, в то время как обе стороны используют 'свои' числа SEQ. (Разве неподтвержденное не должно передавать это сервер, отправленный ретранслироваться? Значение, не был должен сервер, просто отправленный 227 entering passive mode обмениваться сообщениями снова? Или, по крайней мере, зафиксируйте число SEQ?)

Я получил несколько вопросов здесь. Для одного, какая сторона ведет себя неправильно здесь? Одна сторона должна зафиксировать, это - число SEQ, но кто? И как определенное может обмениваться сообщениями (это всегда Entering passive mode сообщение), всегда теряются?

Для создания вопросов более странными, это происходит только на одном компьютере. Из сотен. И это также только происходит с одним FTP-сервером. (которым я не управляю). Сервер и рассматриваемый компьютер подключены через Интернет.

Журналы были получены через маршрутизатор клиента, таким образом, это не проблема с ПК.

Хорошо, мне удалось отфильтровать протокол. Таким образом, здесь это:

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     39 5.988043    FTP      68     Request: PASV

Frame 39: 68 bytes on wire (544 bits), 68 bytes captured (544 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 68, Ack: 294, Len: 6
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     40 6.034184    TCP      62     ftp > 49736 [ACK] Seq=294 Ack=74 Win=32695 Len=0

Frame 40: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 294, Ack: 74, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     41 36.381924   FTP      70     Request: TYPE A

Frame 41: 70 bytes on wire (560 bits), 70 bytes captured (560 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 74, Ack: 294, Len: 8
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     42 36.417678   TCP      62     [TCP Previous segment lost] ftp > 49736 [ACK] Seq=345 Ack=82 Win=32687 Len=0

Frame 42: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 345, Ack: 82, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     43 36.435735   FTP      92     Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 43: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 345, Ack: 82, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     44 36.436237   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 41#1] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=82 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 44: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 82, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     45 37.274734   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 45: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 345, Ack: 82, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     46 37.275388   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 41#2] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=82 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 46: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 82, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     47 38.515559   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 47: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 345, Ack: 82, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     48 38.516182   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 41#3] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=82 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 48: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 82, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     49 40.376003   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 49: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 345, Ack: 82, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     50 40.376567   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 41#4] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=82 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 50: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 82, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     51 43.474007   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 51: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 345, Ack: 82, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     52 43.474611   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 41#5] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=82 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 52: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 82, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     53 49.053924   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 53: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 345, Ack: 82, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     54 49.054515   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 41#6] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=82 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 54: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 82, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     55 59.593195   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 55: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 345, Ack: 82, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     56 59.593832   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 41#7] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=82 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 56: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 82, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     57 66.796925   FTP      70     Request: TYPE A

Frame 57: 70 bytes on wire (560 bits), 70 bytes captured (560 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 82, Ack: 294, Len: 8
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     58 66.833363   TCP      62     ftp > 49736 [ACK] Seq=375 Ack=90 Win=32679 Len=0

Frame 58: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 375, Ack: 90, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     59 66.852889   FTP      92     Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 59: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 375, Ack: 90, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     60 66.853447   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 57#1] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=90 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 60: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 90, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     61 67.653089   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 61: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 375, Ack: 90, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     62 67.653593   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 57#2] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=90 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 62: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 90, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     63 68.894847   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 63: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 375, Ack: 90, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     64 68.895352   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 57#3] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=90 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 64: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 90, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     65 70.755267   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 65: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 375, Ack: 90, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     66 70.755790   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 57#4] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=90 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 66: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 90, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     67 73.851892   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 67: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 375, Ack: 90, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     68 73.852389   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 57#5] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=90 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 68: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 90, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     69 79.432036   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 69: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 375, Ack: 90, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     70 79.432625   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 57#6] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=90 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 70: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 90, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     71 87.075370   FTP      70     Request: TYPE A

Frame 71: 70 bytes on wire (560 bits), 70 bytes captured (560 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 90, Ack: 294, Len: 8
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     72 87.111901   TCP      62     ftp > 49736 [ACK] Seq=405 Ack=98 Win=32671 Len=0

Frame 72: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 405, Ack: 98, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     73 87.131366   FTP      92     Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 73: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 405, Ack: 98, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     74 87.131840   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 71#1] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=98 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 74: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 98, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     75 87.801062   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 75: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 405, Ack: 98, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     76 87.801573   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 71#2] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=98 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 76: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 98, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     77 89.041426   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 77: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 405, Ack: 98, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     78 89.042081   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 71#3] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=98 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 78: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 98, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     79 90.901416   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 79: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 405, Ack: 98, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     80 90.901988   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 71#4] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=98 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 80: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 98, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     81 94.000587   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 81: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 405, Ack: 98, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     82 94.001269   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 71#5] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=98 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 82: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 98, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     83 99.580475   FTP      92     [TCP Retransmission] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.

Frame 83: 92 bytes on wire (736 bits), 92 bytes captured (736 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 405, Ack: 98, Len: 30
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     84 99.581110   TCP      62     [TCP Dup ACK 71#6] 49736 > ftp [ACK] Seq=98 Ack=294 Win=65047 Len=0

Frame 84: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 98, Ack: 294, Len: 0

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     85 117.494304  FTP      70     Request: TYPE A

Frame 85: 70 bytes on wire (560 bits), 70 bytes captured (560 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49736 (49736), Dst Port: ftp (21), Seq: 98, Ack: 294, Len: 8
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

No.     Time        Protocol Length Info
     86 117.531119  TCP      62     ftp > 49736 [RST] Seq=294 Win=0 Len=0

Frame 86: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II
PPP-over-Ethernet Session
Point-to-Point Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ftp (21), Dst Port: 49736 (49736), Seq: 294, Len: 0


Я сверился с другим FTP-сервером, который находится под моим контролем и get's материала, странный теперь (чтение: это не работает с тот одним ни один). Согласно моему серверу, это общается с адресом IPv4, заканчивающимся на .0. Для записи я расположен в Германии. Я никогда не видел, что адрес IPv4 заканчивается на .0 прежде.

Если я проверяю маршрутизатор на стороне клиента, это сообщает о совершенно другом общедоступном адресе IPv4 (по крайней мере, что каждый выглядит допустимым), и это также сообщает об адресе IPv6 (чрезвычайно редко в Германии, чтобы иметь ту. Зависит от ISP.)

И журналы моего сервера говорят, что это отправляет (и также ретранслирует, поскольку это не добирается ACK) Entering passive mode сообщение. Что означает, мне, по крайней мере, что ISP освобождает/отбрасывает тот пакет.

Я должен связаться с ISP с той информацией?

задан 2 July 2014 в 11:31
2 ответа

Провайдер только что связался со мной. Это было сбоем в конфигурации внутри их сети, что привело к сбросу пакета PASV.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 07:29

Скорее всего, это связано с проблемой с брандмауэром. В вашей конфигурации proftpd ограничьте порты, которые он будет использовать

PassivePorts            61000 61199

Это ограничит пассивные порты до 61000-61199. Теперь убедитесь, что эти порты открыты в вашем брандмауэре.

Об этом отлично написано здесь

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 07:29


Похожие вопросы