What is the benefit of registering an offline RHEL system?

I have a couple of RHEL 7.2 systems, which do not have any online connection - also not through any proxy or satellite. I do have subscriptions which I could attach to the systems as described by RedHat here.

Now, my question is: What is the benefit of doing so? I could still not track the system status online or automatically download any patches. From my understanding, I can manually download any packages from the RHN website as long as I have at least one subscription, correct?

Thanks for any advice!

задан 13 September 2016 в 10:10
1 ответ

Вы (ваша компания), скорее всего, подписали корпоративное соглашение , которое требует, чтобы у вас было достаточно подписок для покрытия всей вашей установочной базы. Правильно администрируя / управляя своими подписками, вы убедитесь в соответствии .

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 23:21


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