php7.0-fpm.service is masked

I can't seem to get php to start anymore and it's telling me it's masked which from googling appears to be a super disable? Can anyone tell me how to unmask it?

What happened was I did some updates sudo apt-get update and then I shutdown my server and migrated it to a bigger EC2 instance on AWS. When I fired it back up I was getting nginx 502 bad gateway errors. I checked nginx was working and then php which is not working so far as I can tell.

Edit: So I found sudo systemctl unmask php7.0-fpm and that did the trick for php. However I am still getting 502 errors. Is there a way to list all my services and see if anything else isn't running that should be?

задан 29 November 2017 в 14:02
1 ответ

Проблема заключалась не в том, что php7.0-fpm не работал. Дело в том, что ubuntu установил php7.1-fpm, а моя конфигурация nginx все еще указывала на php7.0-fpm.sock. Я изменил nginx.conf на php7.1-fpm.sock и перезапустил, после чего все заработало.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 05:11


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