Why does TFS need an SQL Server Instance?

It's been over 3 years since I am using TFS 2012 for source code management, reporting and project management. However, until now, I've never installed from scratch any version of TFS.

In order to use SSRS 2016, I need to install TFS 2015, and by doing so, I have learned that I need first to install an instance of SQL Server. This fact surprised me.

My question is: Does this mean that TFS will actually create its internal tables, where I have information about each Project/Work Item (TaskName, CreatedBy, AssignedTo, Priority, OriginalEstimate, Remaining, Completed, Description, etc...) and that these tables will be public?

I thought that this DB was internal to TFS, and that I could never access it directly. I wonder if my interpretation is valid.

задан 19 October 2016 в 11:05
1 ответ

TFS использует SQL-сервер для хранения своих постоянных данных. Таким образом, исходный код, рабочие элементы, определения сборки и т.д. хранятся в БД SQL.

При установке TFS создаст необходимые схемы. Вы должны относиться к этим базам данных как к "черному ящику", так как каждая версия TFS модифицирует схему.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 06:28


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