logrotate not writing logs to correct file

I have a production system on which there are multiple nginx apps hosted. those are nginx applications servers. Now for each of these nginx app servers a logrotate config file is configured in /etc/logrotate.d/ folder. one of the example of logrotate config file is given below.

/var/www/example/current/log/example.log {
  rotate 1

I checked following Logrotate not working and checked my config and didn't find any duplicate entries for application servers or nginx as well. below is the definition of my nginx logrotate file.

/var/log/nginx/*.log {
    rotate 3
    create 0640 www-data adm
    if [ -s /var/run/nginx.pid ]; then
      kill -USR1 `cat /var/run/nginx.pid`

My logs are still getting written in *.log.1 and not in *.log Can anyone help with this? I am trying to understand what is wrong here. Below is the logrotate command output in debug mode.

logrotate --force -d /etc/logrotate.d/nginx
reading config file /etc/logrotate.d/nginx

Handling 1 logs

rotating pattern: /var/log/nginx/*.log  forced from command line (3 rotations)
empty log files are not rotated, old logs are removed
considering log /var/log/nginx/access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/elasticsearch.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/grafana.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log
  log needs rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-admin.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log
  log needs rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-alot.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-alot.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-api_clients.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-api_clients.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-assets.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-backgrounds.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-backgrounds.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-blog.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-blog.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-blog-service.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-blog-service.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-boards.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-boards.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-bolt.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-bolt.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-bonobo.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-bonobo.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-boss.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-boss.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-callbacks.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-callbacks.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-cashier.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-cashier.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-dashboard-old.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-dcl_shipments.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-dcl_shipments.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-device-registry.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-device-registry.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-docs.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-exports.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-exports.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-fake-api.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-fake-api.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-fashion-police.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-fashion-police.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-flight-recorder.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-flight-recorder.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-gone.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-gone.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-go-portal.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-go-portal.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-help-service.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-help-service.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-kfc.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-kfc.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-kredits.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-kredits.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-login.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-login.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-manual-activations.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-manual-activations.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-maps.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-mobile-api.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-mobile-api.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-mqttproxy.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-mqttproxy.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-network-coverage.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-network-coverage.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-package_tracker.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-package_tracker.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log
  log needs rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-people.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-postman-pat.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-postman-pat.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-premium.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-premium.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-push-notifications.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-push-notifications.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-referrific.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-referrific.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-services.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-services.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-store.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-store.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-subs.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-subs.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-updates.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-updates.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-website.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-wildcard-redirect.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-zendesk-proxy.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/example-zendesk-proxy.error.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/kibana.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/prometheus.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/prometheus_alertmanager.access.log
  log does not need rotating
considering log /var/log/nginx/prometheus_statsd_bridge.access.log
  log does not need rotating
rotating log /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log, log->rotateCount is 3
dateext suffix '-20170104'
glob pattern '-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
compressing log with: /bin/gzip
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log.3.gz to /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log.4.gz (rotatecount 3, logstart 1, i 3), 
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log.2.gz to /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log.3.gz (rotatecount 3, logstart 1, i 2), 
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log.1.gz to /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log.2.gz (rotatecount 3, logstart 1, i 1), 
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log.0.gz to /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log.1.gz (rotatecount 3, logstart 1, i 0), 
rotating log /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log, log->rotateCount is 3
dateext suffix '-20170104'
glob pattern '-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
compressing log with: /bin/gzip
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log.3.gz to /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log.4.gz (rotatecount 3, logstart 1, i 3), 
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log.2.gz to /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log.3.gz (rotatecount 3, logstart 1, i 2), 
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log.1.gz to /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log.2.gz (rotatecount 3, logstart 1, i 1), 
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log.0.gz to /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log.1.gz (rotatecount 3, logstart 1, i 0), 
rotating log /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log, log->rotateCount is 3
dateext suffix '-20170104'
glob pattern '-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
compressing log with: /bin/gzip
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log.3.gz to /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log.4.gz (rotatecount 3, logstart 1, i 3), 
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log.2.gz to /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log.3.gz (rotatecount 3, logstart 1, i 2), 
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log.1.gz to /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log.2.gz (rotatecount 3, logstart 1, i 1), 
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log.0.gz to /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log.1.gz (rotatecount 3, logstart 1, i 0), 
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log to /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log.1
creating new /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log mode = 0640 uid = 33 gid = 4
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log to /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log.1
creating new /var/log/nginx/example-administrators.access.log mode = 0640 uid = 33 gid = 4
renaming /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log to /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log.1
creating new /var/log/nginx/example-people.access.log mode = 0640 uid = 33 gid = 4
running postrotate script
running script with arg /var/log/nginx/*.log : "
    if [ -s /var/run/nginx.pid ]; then
      kill -USR1 `cat /var/run/nginx.pid`
removing old log /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log.4.gz
error: error opening /var/log/nginx/example-admin.access.log.4.gz: No such file or directory

And when i do force logrotate, I end up having errors below.

sudo logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf
logrotate_script: 2: logrotate_script: /etc/init.d/example-admin: not found
error: error running non-shared postrotate script for /var/www/admin/current/log/example-admin.log of '/var/www/admin/current/log/example-admin.log '
logrotate_script: 2: logrotate_script: /etc/init.d/example-administrators: not found
error: error running non-shared postrotate script for /var/www/administrators/current/log/example-administrators.log of '/var/www/administrators/current/log/example-administrators.log '
logrotate_script: 2: logrotate_script: /etc/init.d/example-alot: not found
error: error running non-shared postrotate script for /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log of '/var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log '
logrotate_script: 2: logrotate_script: /etc/init.d/example-bonobo: not found
error: error running non-shared postrotate script for /var/www/bonobo/current/log/example-bonobo.log of '/var/www/bonobo/current/log/example-bonobo.log '
logrotate_script: 2: logrotate_script: /etc/init.d/example-cashier: not found
error: error running non-shared postrotate script for /var/www/cashier/current/log/example-cashier.log of '/var/www/cashier/current/log/example-cashier.log '
logrotate_script: 2: logrotate_script: /etc/init.d/example-dcl-shipments: not found
error: error running non-shared postrotate script for /var/www/dcl_shipments/current/log/example-dcl_shipments.log of '/var/www/dcl_shipments/current/log/example-dcl_shipments.log '
logrotate_script: 2: logrotate_script: /etc/init.d/example-people: not found
error: error running non-shared postrotate script for /var/www/people/current/log/example-people.log of '/var/www/people/current/log/example-people.log '
logrotate_script: 2: logrotate_script: /etc/init.d/example-store: not found
error: error running non-shared postrotate script for /var/www/store/current/log/example-store.log of '/var/www/store/current/log/example-store.log '
logrotate_script: 2: logrotate_script: /etc/init.d/example-storefront: not found
error: error running non-shared postrotate script for /var/www/storefront/current/log/example-storefront.log of '/var/www/storefront/current/log/example-storefront.log '
logrotate_script: 2: logrotate_script: /etc/init.d/example-subs: not found
error: error running non-shared postrotate script for /var/www/subs/current/log/example-subs.log of '/var/www/subs/current/log/example-subs.log '

Below is the logrotate command ouput in debug mode.

sudo logrotate -dv /etc/logrotate.d/example-alot
reading config file /etc/logrotate.d/example-alot

Handling 1 logs

rotating pattern: /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log  after 1 days (1 rotations)
empty log files are not rotated, old logs are removed
considering log /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log
  log needs rotating
rotating log /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log, log->rotateCount is 1
dateext suffix '-20170105'
glob pattern '-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
compressing log with: /bin/gzip
renaming /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log.1.gz to /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log.2.gz (rotatecount 1, logstart 1, i 1),
renaming /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log.0.gz to /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log.1.gz (rotatecount 1, logstart 1, i 0),
copying /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log to /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log.1
truncating /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log
running postrotate script
running script with arg /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log: "
      echo "Appending to" example-alot > /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log
      /etc/init.d/example-alot reload >> /dev/null
removing old log /var/www/alot/current/log/example-alot.log.2.gz

sudo logrotate -dv /etc/logrotate.d/example-subs
reading config file /etc/logrotate.d/example-subs

Handling 1 logs

rotating pattern: /var/www/subs/current/log/example-subs.log  after 1 days (1 rotations)
empty log files are not rotated, old logs are removed
considering log /var/www/subs/current/log/example-subs.log
  log does not need rotating
задан 13 April 2017 в 15:13
2 ответа

Если nginx записывает в старый лог-файл, то это может произойти из-за того, что ваше постротатное действие не работает.

Вы проверили, что /var/run/nginx.pid существует и содержит правильный pid?

Более того, вы могли бы попробовать

logrotate --force -d /etc/logrotate.d/nginx

и затем проверить вывод. Это дает хорошие показания.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 08:00

Если вы используете syslog или syslog-ng, вам нужно убедиться, что что-то вроде этого является частью общих сценариев постротации:

/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslogd.pid 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true

syslog записывает файлы в индексные дескрипторы, а не имена файлов, поэтому, если вы не отбрасываете системный журнал, он продолжает писать в тот же индекс (даже если имя файла изменилось) HUPing процесс системного журнала сбрасывает индексный дескриптор на правильное имя. По той же причине системный журнал не может записать в несуществующие файлы. Вы должны прикоснуться к файлу перед запуском системного журнала, чтобы можно было определить индексный дескриптор файла.

Надеюсь, это поможет

ответ дан 29 May 2021 в 01:38


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