elasticsearch с kibana отображает пустую панель инструментов

У меня есть следующее, обнаруживается, когда я тяну свою kibana панель инструментов:


Когда я выслеживаю свои журналы, я вижу следующее

2014/05/14 13:31:45 [error] 17152#0: *7 open() "/var/www/kibana/app/diashboards/dashboard" failed (2: No such file or directory), client: ``, server: ``, request: "GET /app/diashboards/dashboard HTTP/1.1", host: `""`

Я вытаскивал волосы по этому, вся справка ценилась бы

Это - мой config.js

 /** @scratch /configuration/config.js/2
   * === Parameters
  return new Settings({

 /** @scratch /configuration/config.js/5
 * ==== elasticsearch
 * The URL to your elasticsearch server. You almost certainly don't
 * want +<a href="http://localhost:9200+">http://localhost:9200+ here. Even if Kibana and Elasticsearch are on
 * the same host. By default this will attempt to reach ES at the same host you have
 * kibana installed on. You probably want to set it to the FQDN of your
 * elasticsearch host
elasticsearch: `"http://"":9200",`
/*elasticsearch: "http://"+window.location.hostname+":9200",

/** @scratch /configuration/config.js/5
 * ==== default_route
 * This is the default landing page when you don't specify a dashboard to load. You can specify
 * files, scripts or saved dashboards here. For example, if you had saved a dashboard called
 * `WebLogs' to elasticsearch you might use:
 * +default_route: '/dashboard/elasticsearch/WebLogs',+
default_route     : '/dashboard/file/default.json',

/** @scratch /configuration/config.js/5
 * ==== kibana-int
 * The default ES index to use for storing Kibana specific object
 * such as stored dashboards
kibana_index: "kibana-int",

/** @scratch /configuration/config.js/5
 * ==== panel_name
 * An array of panel modules available. Panels will only be loaded when they are defined in the
 * dashboard, but this list is used in the "add panel" interface.
panel_names: [

nginx (значение по умолчанию)

/** @scratch /configuration/config.js/1
 * == Configuration
 * config.js is where you will find the core Kibana configuration. This file contains parameter that
 * must be set before kibana is run for the first time.
function (Settings) {

  /** @scratch /configuration/config.js/2
   * === Parameters
  return new Settings({

    /** @scratch /configuration/config.js/5
     * ==== elasticsearch
     * The URL to your elasticsearch server. You almost certainly don't
     * want +http://localhost:9200+ here. Even if Kibana and Elasticsearch are on
     * the same host. By default this will attempt to reach ES at the same host you have
     * kibana installed on. You probably want to set it to the FQDN of your
     * elasticsearch host
    elasticsearch:  `"http://"":9200",`
задан 15 May 2014 в 09:49
2 ответа

Я пробил несколько серверов Kibana, но я не эксперт, я заметил, что у вас есть путь туда:


с неправильным написанием дашбордов, не уверен, что это ваша проблема, но это выделилось для меня

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 10:46

Оваа линија изгледа погрешно:

elasticsearch: `"http://"":9200",`

нели треба да биде

elasticsearch: "",
ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 10:46


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