Googe Cloud: Service Account access for every project

I've a server, where I use the gcloud command for monitoring purposes. Previously I used the gcloud auth login for authentication, but now I'd like to use a more secure method with service accounts. I stopped my VM, create a service account with Owner roles, but when I use the gcloud project list, I only see the currenct project. But I have 3 other projects, how can I access every project with a service account?

задан 11 April 2018 в 13:56
1 ответ

Для этого необходимо активировать служебную учетную запись с помощью [1]:

$ gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=[KEY:JSON]

и инициализировать команду gcloud с помощью [2]:

$ gcloud init

[1] https://cloud. [2]

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 23:18


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