What cross-subscription communication & connectivity is possible in Azure?

I work in a large distributed org, and several divisions have purchased their own subscription to Azure.

I am a co-administrator to all the accounts, and can see all the resources in all subscriptions.

Is there a per-resource description of what can (and can't) be shared among subscriptions?

For example, the DBA team purchased their own tenant, as did the networking team. My goal is to

  • Configure the application gateway so that it routes correctly among all the resources
  • Connect websites on premise, and other websites in a different subscription to the DBA tenant
  • etc... (Redis)

It seems that some resources are tightly coupled to the tenant, however others less so.

Is there any resource, guideline, or rule of thumb that I can use to understand what can, and what can't be shared amongst Azure Subscriptions/ Tenants?

задан 5 January 2017 в 04:44
1 ответ

Об административной роли (AA, SA, CA) см. Ссылку .
Отношения между подпиской и Azure AD см. По ссылке .
Здесь статья об учетных записях / клиентах / подписках, возможно, может добавить некоторого смысла ко всей учетной записи Azure.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 23:36


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