Могу ли я удалить anaconda-ks.cfg и openscap_data из корневой папки?

I just noticed that after every fresh CentOS 7 (7.2) installation I perform, there are two files created in the root folder (/root):

  • openscap_data folder
  • anaconda-ks.cfg file

As far as I understand the openscap_scanner is a vulnerability scanner that runs after installation and puts its scans in /root/openscap_data. I assume I can delete the folder since I have not use openscap (not intentionally). And anaconda-ks.cfg is the "installation template" that gets created by the GUI installer. Since it stores my hashed root password, I'm not sure if I should keep this file.

Any suggestions?

задан 6 October 2016 в 19:06
1 ответ

Как вы указали, это файлы, созданные установкой ОС ... если они вам не нужны, вы можете их удалить. Если вы откроете anaconda-ks.cfg, то увидите последовательность установки с разделов на пакеты.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 23:40


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