Apache DocumentRoot Ubuntu for Virtual Host

I'm quite puzzled by the setup of a Virtual Host at my Apache server on Ubuntu 16.4. I did follow this the instruction to install Processmaker on Ubuntu.

Everything works fine but if I access my site: http://process.koina.eu:8080 I only see the default Apache file under /var/www/html/index.html. But my processmaker is located as in the instruction under /opt/processmaker. In the logs everything seems running ok. The problem is that my pmos.conf is not added/recognized to the Appache configuration. Sot it makes no difference when I run "sudo a2ensite pmos.conf" or the a2dissite command and restart the server.

задан 12 September 2016 в 20:45
1 ответ

Есть ли другая конфигурация, открывающая порт 8080 для apache? Поскольку, если pmos.conf не распознается, вы не должны получать ответ от apache.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 05:53


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