Multiple Web Applications - Same VM vs Multiple VMs

Firstly, I am more of a dev than admin. I asked the same question here. But please let me know if there is a better place to ask this question.

Here's my situation. I have an application that is built to run on linux. It serves both https (on port 443 using nginx) and ssh (on port 22). But due to organizational restrictions, I am forced to run it on a windows host with a linux guest using virtual box. Also, there is another web application on the host box; both these web applications should be served based on the URL (example:, URLs need to be preserved. All ssh traffic can default to guest.

One idea I have to make this work is below, and I would like to know if I am making this more complicated than it should be. Any help is appreciated.


  1. Use an unused port for https (say 8443) on my host and redirect all traffic to the guest. Use NAT based port forwarding (8443 -> 443, 22 -> 22) in Virtualbox.
  2. The only thing left would be to setup another nginx on the host as a reverse proxy. Set up virtual hosts on windows (/etc/hosts) and have the two IP and URL entries ( and Use a separate nginx on the host as a reverse proxy to redirect app1 traffic to the web app on the host and app2 traffic to 8443.


  1. Can I avoid the extra nginx reverse proxy on the host while preserving the URL?
  2. Also what about ssl. Can I just set up https on the host and route it to port 80 on guest and avoid having two certs? Note: I am using NAT in Virtualbox, so there should not be any security issues I guess.
задан 23 May 2017 в 15:41
1 ответ

Это описано в документации Nginx или любое руководство по Nginx . Nginx будет связываться с любым требуемым портом, используя SNI, он будет отправлять запросы для разных доменов в разные серверные блоки / вышестоящие приложения, используя proxy_pass ( пример ). Просто определите блок сервера в Nginx для каждого домена.

Если вы хотите использовать SSL, попробуйте мой учебник по Let's Encrypt , но приложения должны быть общедоступными. для этого.

Чтобы ответить на ваши вопросы.

  1. Одного экземпляра Nginx должно быть достаточно. Он может прослушивать любой порт на предмет конкретных запросов домена и передавать запросы на любой порт.
  2. Да.

Пример конфигурации ниже.

server {
  listen 80; // add other listeners required 
  location {
    // Insert proxy_pass and related statements

server {
  listen 80; // add other listeners required 
  location {
    // Insert proxy_pass and related statements

// Example of forwarding
server {
  listen 80;
  return 301$request_uri;

// Example of SSL
server {
  listen 443 ssl;

  ssl_certificate /var/lib/acme/certs/***CERT_DIRECTORY/fullchain;
  ssl_certificate_key /var/lib/acme/certs/***CERT_DIRECTORY/privkey;

  // Insert a location here and remove the 301 to server on SSL
  return 301$request_uri;
ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 13:35


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