AWS EC2 Unreachable instance after Resize

I have 2 r3.xlarge AWS EC2 instances that are convertible to r4.xlarge. They are both running Exchange 2016 on 2012R2. I have tried two methods so far:

  1. Changed instance type and booted up
  2. Created AMI and Launched a new instance with it

In both cases, the servers became unreachable and passed only 1\2 checks. I've attached the Elastic IP to both with no results.

Am I missing something here? Does something need to happen to these instances specifically because they're running Exchange?

задан 14 February 2018 в 19:29
1 ответ

Для обновления с r3.xlarge до r4.xlarge, вам нужно будет установить новые драйверы ENA и PV с Amazon.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 13:27


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