dnsmasq not responding DHCP requests that don't follow a DHCP discover

I have an instance of dnsmasq running on network namespace X, and I run dhclient (or any other dhcp client) from within network namespace Y to obtain an IP address on a given interface. The two network namespaces are on the same openvswitch bridge, through which they communicate.

I see that dnsmasq takes ages to reply, somewhere between 10 and 30 seconds, even if a tcpdump shows that all DHCP packets are promptly delivered to the destination namespace.

Why does it take so long? Is there a way to reduce this delay?

Here's an example from /var/log/syslog where the IP address is assigned after 11 seconds:

Apr  4 14:31:27 localhost dhclient: Listening on LPF/_0.ping/ae:ca:22:bc:3c:7b
Apr  4 14:31:27 localhost dhclient: Sending on   LPF/_0.ping/ae:ca:22:bc:3c:7b
Apr  4 14:31:27 localhost dhclient: Sending on   Socket/fallback
Apr  4 14:31:27 localhost dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on _0.ping to port 67
Apr  4 14:31:33 localhost dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on _0.ping to port 67
Apr  4 14:31:48 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on _0.ping to port 67 interval 3
Apr  4 14:31:48 localhost dnsmasq-dhcp[11719]: DHCPDISCOVER(_0.dhcp) ae:ca:22:bc:3c:7b 
Apr  4 14:31:48 localhost dnsmasq-dhcp[11719]: DHCPOFFER(_0.dhcp) ae:ca:22:bc:3c:7b 
Apr  4 14:31:48 localhost dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on _0.ping to port 67
Apr  4 14:31:48 localhost dhclient: DHCPOFFER from
Apr  4 14:31:48 localhost dnsmasq-dhcp[11719]: DHCPREQUEST(_0.dhcp) ae:ca:22:bc:3c:7b 
Apr  4 14:31:48 localhost dnsmasq-dhcp[11719]: DHCPACK(_0.dhcp) ae:ca:22:bc:3c:7b mymachine
Apr  4 14:31:48 localhost dnsmasq-dhcp[11719]: not giving name mymachine to the DHCP lease of because the name exists in /etc/hosts with address
Apr  4 14:31:48 localhost dhclient: DHCPACK from
Apr  4 14:31:48 localhost dhclient: ntp-servers: expecting at least 4 bytes; got 0
Apr  4 14:31:48 localhost dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 33935 seconds.

The dnsmasq instance is launched with the following command:

dnsmasq --dhcp-range=set:tag0,,,24h -l /tmp/dnsmasq-leasefile.dhcp.dhcp --dhcp-option=tag:tag0,option:router, --dhcp-option=tag:tag0,option:dns-server, --dhcp-option=tag:tag0,42

EDIT Ok, I ran it a few more times and I think I see a pattern in there. The DHCP client starts by sending two DHCP requests, which are both unanswered. As soon as a DHCP discover is sent, dnsmasq replies. The reason why dhclient first tries with a DHCP request is that it sees a previous lease for the same interface in /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases and tries requesting the IP address appearing there. As soon as I remove such file, the response from dnsmasq is generated instantly. I see two options:

  • I tell dhclient not use its lease file (not sure how), but this is not really ideal...
  • I instruct dnsmasq to respond to requests that don't follow a discover message. How can I do this?
задан 4 April 2017 в 18:55
1 ответ

Ответ - использовать параметр - dhcp-authoritative в dnsmasq. Проблема заключалась в том, что я каждый раз перезапускал сервер dnsmasq, поэтому у него не было файла аренды, но у dhclient был собственный файл аренды. Не имея возможности проверить запрошенный IP-адрес в собственном файле аренды, dnsmasq ждет, пока не будет выдано сообщение об обнаружении dhcp.

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 16:18


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