mysql replication fail (no error)

I'm doing a replication on a mysql 5.6 server (master) to a slave in mixed mode. The thing is, i connect to mysql trought workbench, i execute querys and are replicated. But if another user connected through the same way, deletes a register, it is deleted on the master, but not replicated on the slave. So the register stills appear. I don't understand why it doesn't shows an error. It continuous replicating till some tries to insert a register with the same ID (as it is not deleted) and then it fails showing a duplicate entry.

Does anyone knows how to se a log where it shows the errors? Why it continuous replicating and not executing that query?

Thank you

задан 14 October 2016 в 14:09
1 ответ

Я не знал, почему это случилось, но поменял реплику на строчную и она работает.


ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 16:28


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