AD Replication with 3 sites/locations

I have created new forest with domain.local. Domain have 3 locations - A, B, C. ( One dc per location ) First dc-A is owner all FSMO roles. After configure all 3 sites with subnets added 3 IP "Inter Site Transports"
dc-A + dc-B
dc-A + dc-C
dc-B + dc-C

Set all of them
"Cost" - 1
"Replication Interval" - 15 min
and used recipe for notification for replicate immediately from article

then promoted dc-B as Domain Controller and dc-C as domain controller

AD Sites and Services at dc-B and dc-C fully replicated schema from dc-A

All works as expected but... KCC on entire forest created only 4 Connections in NTDS Settings.

< automatically generated > from dc-B
< automatically generated > from dc-C

< automatically generated > from dc-A

< automatically generated > from dc-A

Why KCC didn't create following replicate connections ???
< automatically generated > from dc-C

< automatically generated > from dc-B

I don't want create manually connections because notifications won't work then and I'll have to wait 15 min for replication over manually created connections.
Even I've found tutorial to get notification work at manually connections but don't have to mix connection names :). Want all of them created by KCC.

Tryed many tutorials with recreating connections by repoadmin/kcc dcdiag tests etc ...

How to force KCC to create all of 6 needed < automatically generated > connections ???

I'm asking because during inavailability dc-A (FSMO owner) dc-B and dc-C wont replicate with each other.

задан 22 July 2016 в 14:47
1 ответ

Я спрашиваю, потому что во время недоступности dc-A (владелец FSMO) dc-B и dc-C не будут реплицироваться с каждым разное.


Они не нужны. Если соединение с одним сайтом перестает работать из-за проблем с сетью, ISTG создаст соединение с другим сайтом.

Вы можете прочитать следующее:

Как работает топология репликации Active Directory - KCC и генерация топологии (v = ws. 10) .aspx # w2k3tr_repto_how_ludi

ответ дан 4 December 2019 в 16:33


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