GCE Disk full, unable to mount on second machine or start server

It turns out that our GCE disk is full, which is odd because when I create a snapshot it's only 16gb while the disk is 50gb.

I've tried resizing the disk, that doesn't work. Same problem.

I've tried turning on the serial console but when I connect mysql continually tries to start and never puts me into a login prompt. If I hit enter to get to a prompt, it says that my credentials are incorrect because mysql is still spooling.

I've tried attaching the disk to another engine as a second disk and mysql STILL tries to start even though it's not the boot disk.

This seems like an issue that google needs to address. Their resizing feature does not seem to work and mounting the disk on another server does not work. I cannot resize the disk and cannot mount it to resize on another machine because it too will not start.

Any guidance from others who've experienced this situation would be helpful. This is our production server and we've been down for more than 30 hours!


задан 23 August 2018 в 14:23
1 ответ

Скорее всего, вы изменили размер диска (например, блочного устройства), но не раздела и / или файловой системы.

Рассмотрите возможность использования чего-то вроде parted для изменения размера разделов и файловой системы. Если вы добавите вывод fdisk -l для диска могут быть предоставлены более подробные инструкции.

См. также:

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 05:24


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