Deploying a shortcut to an Excel spreadsheet via GPP

I've been messing around with GPP for shortcut/favorites deployment, but I can't seem to get it to work with a spreadsheet located on a network drive.

I know the GPO is linked and the shortcut is targeted correctly, because if I change the shortcut to a network share path it is created and works perfectly. However, when setting the target to the spreadsheet I want it won't create the shortcut at all.

I'm using File System Object as the target type, and for the target path I've tried "T(drive letter for location for all users):\Folder\Spreadsheet.xlsx", and "\server\share\folder\spreadsheet.xlsx". The name of the file and the folder both have spaces in them, but I'm enclosing the target in quotes.

Has anyone done this successfully with a file on a network share? Most of the stuff I've read when searching for this shows people doing it with network locations or website URLs, so I haven't found much to go on.

задан 14 October 2016 в 18:44
1 ответ

Так что это просто волшебным образом сработало из ниоткуда. Оказалось, что вы должны а не включать кавычки в путь, даже если в имени файла или в имени ресурса есть пробелы. Я думал наверняка, что попробовал это без кавычек раньше, но, видимо, нет. Все в порядке.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 09:28


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