Application consistent backup of azure RHEL 7 server

I've recently deployed several RHEL 7 servers on azure and set up backup jobs in the recovery service. As I understand the service, these backups are filesystem consistent. Unfortunately this is not enough and I need to make the backups application consistent.

Since azure backups are snapshot based, I assume this works similar to the way it does in VMware: By calling a script before and after taking the snapshot. The script is responsible to make the relevant applications flush and halt for the time it takes to make the snapshot.

In fact, I can see the freeze/thaw scripts that are called during the backup and I'm sure I could hack them to add this feature. Of couse, just because I could doesn't mean I should.

So the question remains: How do I make the backup jobs of my linux azure VMs application consistent?

задан 7 October 2016 в 16:32
2 ответа

Служба резервного копирования Azure выпустила новую функцию, обеспечивающую согласованность приложений для виртуальных машин Linux с помощью сценариев до и после:

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 09:28

В настоящее время единственное поддерживаемое резервное копирование для Linux - это резервное копирование с согласованием файлов.

Надеюсь, эта функция может быть добавлена ​​в будущих обновлениях.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 09:28


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